85. Al-Burooj - The Big Stars
1 | By oath of the heaven which contains the constellations. |
2 | And by oath of the Promised Day. |
3 | And by oath of the day that is a witness and by oath of a day in which the people present themselves. |
4 | Accursed be the People of the Ditch! |
5 | The people of the fuelled blazing fire. |
6 | When they were sitting at its edge. |
7 | And they themselves are witnesses to what they were doing to the Muslims! |
8 | And what did they dislike from the Muslims, except that the Muslims accepted faith in Allah the Most Honourable, the Most Praiseworthy? |
9 | To Him only belongs the kingship of the heavens and the earth; and Allah is a Witness over all things. |
10 | Indeed those who troubled the Muslim men and Muslim women, and then did not repent – for them is the punishment of hell, and for them is the punishment of fire. |
11 | Indeed those who believed and did good deeds – for them are Gardens beneath which rivers flow; this is the great success. |
12 | Indeed the seizure of your Lord is very severe. |
13 | Indeed it is He Who initiates and redoes. |
14 | And He only is the Oft Forgiving, the Beloved of His bondmen. |
15 | Master of the Honourable Throne. |
16 | Always doing whatever He wills. |
17 | Did the story of the armies reach you? |
18 | (The armies of) Firaun and the tribe of Thamud. |
19 | In fact the disbelievers are in denial. |
20 | And Allah is after them, has them surrounded. |
21 | In fact it (what they deny) is the Noble Qur’an. |
22 | In the Preserved Tablet. |