4. An-Nisa - The Women

1O mankind! Fear your Lord Who created you from a single soul and from it created its spouse and from them both has spread the multitude of men and women; fear Allah in Whose name you claim (your rights from one another) and be mindful of your blood relations; indeed Allah is always seeing you.
2And give the orphans their wealth and do not exchange the pure for the foul; and do not devour (or use up) their wealth, mixing it with your own; this is indeed a great sin.
3And if you fear that you will not be just towards orphan girls, marry the women whom you like – two at a time, or three or four; then if you fear that you cannot keep two women equally then marry only one or the bondwomen you own; this is closer to your not doing injustice.
4And give the women their bridal money willingly; then if they willingly give you a part of it, eat (use) it with joy and fruition.
5And do not give the foolish their wealth which is in your custody – those for whom Allah has put you in charge to maintain (look after) – and feed and clothe them from it, and speak kindly to them.
6And test the orphans till they are fit to get married (reach full age); then if you find them of proper judgement, hand over their wealth to them; and do not devour it by spending excessively and hastily, fearing that they will grow up; and whoever is not in need must abstain; and whoever is needy may use from it in a reasonable measure; and when you hand over their wealth to them, get witnesses over them; and Allah is Sufficient to take account.
7For men is a share from what the parents and near relatives leave behind, and for women is a share from what the parents and near relatives leave behind, whether the wealth (inheritance) is small or large; the share is a fixed one.
8And if relatives and orphans and the needy are present at the time of disbursement, give them something from it and speak to them with kindness.
9And those people must fear, who if they die leaving behind them young children would be afraid for them; so they must fear Allah and speak with fairness.
10Indeed those who unjustly devour the wealth of orphans only fill their bellies with fire; and soon they will go into a blazing pit.
11Allah commands you concerning your children; the son’s share is equal to that of two daughters; and if there are only daughters, for them is two-thirds of the inheritance, even if they are more than two; and if there is only one daughter, for her is half; and to each of the deceased’s parents a sixth of the inheritance, if he has children; and if the deceased has no children but leaves behind parents, then one third for the mother; and if he has several brothers and sisters, a sixth for the mother, after any will he may have made and payment of debt; your fathers and your sons – you do not know which of them will be more useful to you; this is the share fixed by Allah; indeed Allah is All Knowing, Wise.
12And from what your wives leave, half is for you if they do not have any child; or if they have a child for you is a fourth of what they leave, after any will they may have made or debt to be paid; and to the women is a fourth of what you leave behind, if you do not have any child; or if you have a child then an eighth of what you leave behind, after any will you may have made, or debt to be paid; and if a deceased does not leave behind a mother, father or children but has a brother or a sister through a common mother, then to each of them a sixth; and if they (brothers and sisters) are more than two, then they shall all share in a third, after any will that may have been made or debt to be paid, in which the deceased has not caused a loss (to the heirs); this is the decree of Allah; and Allah is All Knowing, Most Forbearing.
13These are the limits of Allah; and whoever obeys Allah and His Noble Messenger – Allah will admit him into Gardens beneath which rivers flow – abiding in it forever; and this is the great success.
14And whoever disobeys Allah and His Noble Messenger and crosses all His limits – Allah will put him in the fire (of hell), in which he will remain forever; and for him is a disgraceful punishment.
15And take testimony from four chosen men amongst you, against the women among you who commit adultery; and if they testify, confine those women in the houses until death takes them away or Allah creates a solution for them.
16And punish them both, the man and the woman, whoever are guilty of it (adultery); then if they repent and become pious, leave them; indeed Allah is the Most Acceptor Of Repentance, Most Merciful.
17Undoubtedly the repentance which Allah has by His grace made obligatory upon Himself to accept, is only the repentance of those who commit sin in folly and then soon repent – towards them does Allah incline in mercy; and Allah is the All Knowing, the Wise.
18And that repentance is not of those who constantly commit sins, and when death approaches one of them, he says, “I repent now”, nor of those who die as disbelievers; for them, We have kept prepared a painful punishment.
19O People who Believe! It is not lawful for you to forcibly become the women’s heirs; and do not restrain women with the intention of taking away a part of bridal money you gave them, unless they openly commit the shameful; and deal kindly with them; and if you do not like them, so it is possible that you dislike a thing in which Allah has placed abundant good.
20And if you wish to change one wife for another and you have given her heaps of treasure, do not take back anything from it; will you take it back by slander and open sin?
21And how will you take it back whereas you have become unveiled before each other, and they have taken a strong pledge from you?
22And do not marry the women who were wedded to your fathers (and grand fathers), except what has already passed; that is indeed an act of shame and great wrong; and an evil way.
23Forbidden for you are your mothers, and your daughters, and your sisters, and your father’s sisters, and your mother’s sisters, and your brothers’ daughters and your sisters’ daughters, and your foster-mothers (who breast-fed you), and their daughters (your foster-sisters), and your wives’ mothers (mothers-in-law), and your wives’ daughters who are under your protection – born of the women with whom you have cohabited; and if you have not cohabited with them, then it is no sin for you to marry their daughters; and (forbidden are) the wives of your own sons (and foster-sons and grandsons) and the keeping of two sisters together in marriage, except what has already passed; indeed Allah is Oft Forgiving, Most Merciful.
24And all married women are forbidden for you except the wives of disbelievers who come into your possession as bondwomen; this is Allah’s decree for you; and other than these, all women are lawful for you so that you seek them in exchange of your wealth in proper wedlock, not adultery; therefore give the women you wish to marry, their appointed bridal money; and after the appointment (of bridal money) there is no sin on you if you come to a mutual agreement; indeed Allah is All Knowing, Wise.
25And whoever among you does not have in marriage free, believing women due to poverty, should marry from the believing bondwomen you own; and Allah knows well your faith; you are from one another; therefore marry them with the permission of their masters, and give them their bridal money according to custom, they becoming (faithful) wives, not committing mischief or secretly making friends; so when they are married and commit the shameful, for them is half the punishment prescribed for free women; this is for one among you who fears falling into adultery; and to practice patience is better for you; and Allah is Oft Forgiving, Most Merciful.
26Allah wills to explain His commands to you and show you the ways of those before you, and to incline towards you with His mercy; and Allah is All Knowing, Wise.
27And Allah wills to incline towards you with His mercy; and those who pursue their own pleasures wish that you be far separated from the Straight Path.
28Allah wills to lessen your burden; and man was created weak.
29O People who Believe! Do not unjustly devour the property of each other, except through trade by mutual agreement; and do not kill one another; indeed Allah is Most Merciful upon you.
30And whoever does that through injustice and oppression, We shall soon put him in the fire; and this is easy for Allah.
31If you keep avoiding the cardinal sins that are forbidden to you, We will forgive you your other (lesser) sins and admit you into a noble place.
32And do not long for things by which Allah has given superiority to some of you over others; for men is the share of what they earn; and for women the share from what they earn; and seek from Allah His munificence; indeed Allah knows everything.
33And for all, We have appointed heirs – from whatever the parents and near relatives leave behind; and to those with whom you have made an agreement, give them their dues; indeed all things are present before Allah.
34Men are in charge of women, as Allah has made one of them superior to the other, and because men spend their wealth for the women; so virtuous women are the reverent ones, guarding behind their husbands the way Allah has decreed guarding; and the women from whom you fear disobedience, (at first) advise them and (then) do not cohabit with them, and (lastly) beat them; then if they obey you, do not seek to do injustice to them; indeed Allah is Supreme, Great.
35And if you fear a dispute between husband and wife, send an arbitrator from the man’s family and an arbitrator from the woman’s family; if these two wish conciliation, Allah will unite them; indeed Allah is All Knowing, Well Aware.
36And worship Allah and do not ascribe any partner to Him, and be good to parents, and to relatives, and orphans, and the needy, and the related neighbour and the unrelated neighbour, and the close companion and the traveller; and your bondwomen; indeed Allah does not like any boastful, proud person. –
37Those who are misers and preach miserliness to others, and hide what Allah has bestowed upon them from His munificence; and We have kept ready a disgraceful punishment for the disbelievers.
38And those who spend their wealth in order for people to see, and do not accept faith in Allah nor the Last Day; and whoever has Satan (the devil) as a companion – so what an evil companion is he!
39And what would they lose, if they had believed in Allah and the Last Day and spent from what Allah has bestowed upon them? And Allah knows them very well.
40Allah does not commit even the least injustice; and if there is a good deed, He doubles it and gives from Himself a great reward.
41So how will it be when We bring a witness from each nation (religion), and We bring you (O dear Prophet Mohammed – peace and blessings be upon him) as a witness and a watcher over them? (The Holy Prophet is a witness from Allah.)
42On that day, those who disbelieved and disobeyed the Noble Messenger will wish that they be buried and the ground levelled above them; and they will not be able to hide anything from Allah.
43O People who Believe! Do not approach the prayer when you are intoxicated until you have the sense to understand what you say, nor in the state of impurity until you have bathed except while travelling; and if you are ill or on a journey or one of you returns from answering the call of nature or you have cohabited with women, and you do not find water, then cleanse (yourself) with clean soil – therefore stroke your faces and your hands with it; indeed Allah is Most Pardoning, Oft Forgiving.
44Did you not see those who received a portion of the Book, that they purchase error and wish that you too go astray from the right path?
45Allah well knows your enemies; Allah is Sufficient as a Guardian, and Allah is Sufficient as a Supporter.
46Some of the Jews interchange the words from their places and say, “We hear and disobey” – and they say “Hear- may you not be able to hear” – and they say “Raena (Be considerate towards us)” distorting it with their tongues and in order to slander religion; had they said, “We hear and we obey” and “Kindly listen to us, O dear Prophet,” and “Look mercifully upon us, O dear Prophet”, it would have been much better for them and more just – but Allah has cursed them for their disbelief; so they do not believe except a little.
47O People given the Book(s)! Believe in what We have sent down confirming the Book which you possess, before We transform some faces so turning them towards their backs, or curse them like We had cursed the people of Sabth; and (know that) the Allah’s command is always carried out!
48Undoubtedly Allah does not forgive (the sin of) disbelieving in Him and forgives anything lower than it to whomever He wills; and whoever ascribes partners to Allah has invented a tremendous sin.
49Did you not see those who proclaim their piety (cleanliness of deeds)? In fact Allah purifies whomever He wills, and no injustice, even equal to the hair upon a date seed will be done to them.
50See how they fabricate lies against Allah! And this is a sufficient manifest sin.
51Did you not see those who received a portion of the Book, that they believe in idols and the devil, and say regarding the disbelievers that they are more rightly guided than the Muslims?
52It is they whom Allah has cursed; and for those whom Allah has cursed, you (Prophet Mohammed – peace and blessings be upon him) will never find any supporter.
53Do they have some share in the kingship?- if it were, they would not give to mankind even a single sesame.
54Or do they envy people due to what Allah has given them from His grace? In that case, We bestowed the Book and the wisdom upon the family of Ibrahim (Abraham), and We gave them a great kingdom.
55So some of them believed in it and some of them turned away from it; and sufficient is hell, a blazing fire!
56We shall soon put those who disbelieve in Our signs into the fire; whenever their skins are cooked (fully burnt) We shall change them for new skins so they may taste the punishment (again and again); indeed Allah is Almighty, Wise.
57And those who believed and did good deeds, We shall soon admit them into Gardens beneath which rivers flow – abiding in it forever; in it for them are pure wives – and We shall admit them into places of plentiful shade.
58Indeed Allah commands you to hand over whatever you hold in trust, to their owners – and that whenever you judge between people, judge with fairness; undoubtedly Allah gives you an excellent advice; indeed Allah is All Hearing, All Seeing.
59O People who Believe! Obey Allah and the Noble Messenger and those amongst you who are in authority; so if there is a dispute amongst you concerning any matter, refer it to Allah and the Noble Messenger (for judgement) if you believe in Allah and the Last Day; this is better and has the best outcome.
60Did you not see those whose claim is that they believe in what has been sent down on you and what was sent down before you, and they then wish to make the devil their judge, whereas they were ordered to completely reject him? And the devil wishes to mislead them far astray.
61And when they are told, “Come towards the Book sent down by Allah and to the Noble Messenger,” you will see that the hypocrites turn their faces away from you.
62What will be their state, if some calamity befalls them as a result of what their own hands have sent before them – and then they come to you (O dear Prophet Mohammed – peace and blessings be upon him), swearing by Allah that, “Our goal was only to do good and create harmony"?
63The secrets of their hearts are well known to Allah; so avoid them and explain to them, and speak to them clearly in their affairs.
64And We did not send any Noble Messenger except that he be obeyed by Allah’s command; and if they, when they have wronged their own souls, come humbly to you (O dear Prophet Mohammed – peace and blessings be upon him) and seek forgiveness from Allah, and the Noble Messenger intercedes for them, they will certainly find Allah as the Most Acceptor Of Repentance, the Most Merciful.
65So O dear Prophet (Mohammed – peace and blessings be upon him), by oath of your Lord, they will not be Muslims until they appoint you a judge for the disputes between them – and then whatever you have decided, they should not find opposition to it within their hearts, and they must accept it wholeheartedly.
66And had We decreed for them to slay themselves or to leave their homes and families, only a few of them would have done it; and if they did what they are advised to, it would be good for them, and would have strengthened faith.
67And were it so, We would bestow upon them a great reward from Ourselves.
68And would certainly guide them to the Straight Path.
69And whoever obeys Allah and His Noble Messenger, will be with those upon whom Allah has bestowed grace – that is, the Prophets and the truthful and the martyrs and the virtuous; and what excellent companions they are!
70This is Allah’s munificence; and Allah is Sufficient, the All Knowing.
71O People who Believe! Be cautious, then advance towards the enemy in small numbers or all together.
72Indeed among you is one who will certainly loiter behind; then if some disaster were to befall you, he would say, “It was Allah’s grace upon me that I was not present with them!”
73And were you to receive Allah’s munificence (a bounty), he would surely say – as if there had been no friendship between you and him – “Alas – if only I had been with them, I would have achieved a great success!”
74So those who sell the life of this world for the Hereafter, must fight in Allah's cause; and We shall bestow a great reward upon whoever fights in Allah's cause, whether he is martyred or is victorious.
75And what is the matter with you, that you should not fight in Allah’s cause and for the feeble men, and women, and children, who invoke, “Our Lord! Liberate us from this town, the people of which are unjust; and give us a protector from Yourself; and give us a supporter from Yourself.” (Allah has created many supporters for the believers.)
76The believers fight for Allah’s cause; and the disbelievers fight for the devil’s cause – so fight against the friends of the devil; undoubtedly the devil’s conspiracy is weak.
77Did you not see those to whom it was said, “Restrain your hands, keep the prayer established and pay the charity”; but when fighting was ordained for them, some of them started fearing people, the way they feared Allah – or even greater! And they said, “Our Lord! Why have You ordained fighting for us? If only You would have let us live some more!” Say (O dear Prophet Mohammed – peace and blessings be upon him), “The usage of this world is meagre; and the Hereafter is better for the pious; and you will not be wronged even (the weight of) a single thread.”
78Death will come to you wherever you may be, even if you were in strong fortresses; if some good reaches them they say, “This is from Allah”; and if any misfortune reaches them, they say, “This is from you”; say, “Everything is from Allah”; what is wrong with these people, that they do not seem to understand anything?
79Whatever good reaches you, O listeners, is from Allah, and whatever ill reaches you is from yourselves; and We have sent you (O dear Prophet Mohammed – peace and blessings be upon him) as a Noble Messenger towards all mankind; and Allah is Sufficient, as a Witness.
80Whoever obeys the Noble Messenger has indeed obeyed Allah; and for those who turn away – We have not sent you as their saviour.
81And they say, “We have obeyed”; and when they go away from you, a group of them spend the night conspiring against what they had said; and Allah records what they conspired by night; therefore O dear Prophet (Mohammed – peace and blessings be upon him) avoid them and rely upon Allah; and Allah is Sufficient as a Trustee (of affairs).
82So do they not ponder about the Qur’an? And had it been from anyone besides Allah, they would certainly find much contradiction in it.
83And when any news of safety or fear comes to them, they speak of it publicly; and had they referred it to the Noble Messenger and to those among them having authority, those among them who are able to infer would certainly learn the truth of the matter from them; and were it not for Allah’s munificence upon you, and His mercy, all of you would have certainly followed Satan – except a few.
84Therefore O dear Prophet, fight in Allah's cause; you will not be burdened except for yourself, and urge the believers (to fight); it is likely that Allah will curb the strength of the disbelievers; and Allah's strike is most stinging and His punishment the most severe.
85Whoever makes a noble intercession will have a share of it, and whoever makes an evil intercession will have a share of it; and Allah is Able to do all things.
86And when you are greeted with some words, greet back with words better than it or with the same; indeed Allah will take account of everything.
87Allah! There is none worthy of worship except Him; He will surely gather you all on the Day of Resurrection in which there is no doubt; and whose Words are more true than those of Allah? (Allah does not lie.)
88So what is the matter with you that you got divided into two groups concerning the hypocrites, whereas Allah has inverted them because of their misdeeds? Do you wish to guide one whom Allah has sent astray? And for one whom Allah sends astray, you will not find a way.
89They wish that you too should turn disbelievers the way they did, so that you all may become equal – so do not befriend any of them until they forsake their homes and families in Allah’s cause; then if they turn back, seize them and kill them wherever you find them; and do not take any of them as a friend nor as a supporter.
90Except those who are related to the people between whom and you is a treaty, or who come to you with their hearts no longer having the will to fight you or to fight their own people; had Allah willed, He would certainly have given them power over you so that they would have surely fought you; then if they avoid you and do not wage war against you and make an offer of peace – then Allah has not kept for you a way against them.
91You will now find others who desire that they should be safe from you and also safe from their own people; whenever their people turn them towards war, they fall headlong into it; so if they do not avoid (confronting) you nor submit an offer of peace nor restrain their hands, seize them and kill them wherever you find them; and they are the ones against whom We have given you clear authority.
92It is not rightful for a Muslim to kill another Muslim, unless it occurs by mistake; and the one who mistakenly kills a Muslim must set free a Muslim slave and pay blood-money to the family of the slain, except if they forego it; and if the victim is of a people who are hostile to you, and the killer is a Muslim, then only the setting free of a Muslim slave (is obligatory); and if the victim is from a people between whom and you there is a treaty, then blood-money must be paid to his family and the setting free of a Muslim slave; therefore one who has no means must fast for two consecutive months; this is his penance before Allah; and Allah is All Knowing, Wise.
93And whoever slays a Muslim on purpose, his reward will be hell – to remain in it for ages – and Allah has wreaked wrath upon him and has cursed him and kept prepared a terrible punishment for him.
94O People who Believe! When you go forth to fight in holy war, make a proper study, and do not say to the one who greets you, “You are not a Muslim,” – you seek the means of this worldly life; so with Allah are the bounties in plenty; you too were like this before, then Allah bestowed His favour on you, therefore you must make a proper study; indeed Allah knows whatever you do.
95The Muslims who stay back from holy war without proper excuse, are not equal to the Muslims who fight in Allah's cause with their wealth and lives; Allah has bestowed higher ranks to the warriors who strive with their wealth and lives, than those who stay back; and Allah has promised good to all; and Allah has favoured the warriors upon those who stay back, with a great reward.
96Ranks (of honour) from Him, and forgiveness, and mercy; and Allah is Oft Forgiving, Most Merciful.
97The angels ask the people whose souls they remove while they were wronging themselves, “What were you engaged in?” They reply, “We were powerless in the land”; the angels say, “Was Allah’s earth not spacious enough for you to have migrated in it?” The destination for such is hell; and a very wretched place to return.
98Except those who were forcibly subdued among men, and the women and children, unable to devise a plan and unaware of the way.
99So for such, it is likely that Allah will pardon them; and Allah is Most Pardoning, Oft Forgiving.
100Whoever migrates for Allah's cause will find much shelter and abundant capacity in the earth; and whoever leaves his home, migrating towards Allah and His Noble Messenger, and death seizes him, his reward then lies entrusted with Allah; and Allah is Oft Forgiving, Most Merciful.
101And when you travel in the land, it is no sin for you to curtail some of your obligatory prayers; if you fear that disbelievers may cause you harm; undoubtedly the disbelievers are open enemies to you.
102And when you (O dear Prophet Mohammed – peace and blessings be upon him) are among them and lead them in prayer, only a group of them should be with you, and they must keep their weapons with them; so when they have performed their prostrations they should move away behind you; and the other group that had not prayed, must come and offer prayers in your leadership, keeping their guard and weapons with them; the disbelievers wish that you neglect your arms and your means so they may overpower you with a single attack; it is no sin for you to lay aside your arms due to rain or if you are sick; and keep your guard; undoubtedly Allah has kept prepared a disgraceful punishment for the disbelievers.
103So when you have offered your prayers remember Allah while standing, sitting and reclining; and when you feel secure, offer prayers in the usual manner; indeed prayers are a time bound obligatory duty upon the Muslims.
104Do not relax in pursuit of the disbelievers; if you are suffering, they also suffer as you do; and you expect from Allah what they do not; and Allah is All Knowing, Wise.
105We have indeed sent down the true Book towards you (O dear Prophet Mohammed – peace and blessings be upon him), so that you may judge between men, in the way Allah may show you; and do not plead on behalf of the treacherous.
106And seek forgiveness from Allah; indeed Allah is Oft Forgiving, Most Merciful.
107And do not plead on behalf of those who deceive themselves; indeed Allah does not like any treacherous, excessive sinner.
108They hide from men and do not hide from Allah, whereas Allah is with them when they plan in their hearts that which displeases Him; and Allah has their deeds encompassed.
109Pay heed! It is you people who argued on their behalf in the life of this world; so who will fight on their behalf with Allah on the Day of Resurrection, or who will be their pleader?
110And whoever does evil or wrongs his own soul and then seeks forgiveness from Allah, will find Allah Oft Forgiving, Most Merciful.
111And whoever earns sin, his earnings will only be against himself; and Allah is the Knowing, Wise.
112And whoever commits a mistake or a sin, then blames it on someone innocent has indeed burdened himself with infamy and a manifest crime.
113And O dear Prophet, were it not for Allah’s munificence and His mercy upon you, a group among them would have wished to deceive you; and they only mislead themselves and will not harm you at all; and Allah has sent down upon you the Book and wisdom, and taught you all what you did not know*; and upon you is Allah’s great munificence. (Allah gave the knowledge of the hidden to the Holy Prophet – peace and blessings be upon him.)
114Most of their discussions do not contain any good, except of the one who enjoins charity or goodness or peace-making among people; whoever does that to seek the pleasure of Allah – We shall soon give him a great reward.
115And whoever opposes the Noble Messenger after the right path has been made clear to him, and follows a way other than that of the Muslims, We shall leave him as he is, and put him in hell; and what a wretched place to return!
116Allah does not forgive (the greatest sin) that partners be ascribed with Him – and He forgives all that is below (lesser sins) it, to whomever He wills; and whoever ascribes partners with Allah has indeed wandered far astray.
117The polytheists do not worship Allah, except some females; and they do not worship anyone except the rebellious Satan.
118The one whom Allah has cursed; and the devil said, “I swear, I will certainly take an appointed portion of Your bondmen,” –
119“And I will surely lead them astray, and I will certainly arouse desires in them, and I will definitely order them so they will pierce animals’ ears, and I will definitely order them so they will alter Allah’s creation”; and whoever chooses the devil for a friend instead of Allah, has indeed suffered a manifest loss.
120The devil promises them and arouses desires in them; and the devil does not give them promises except of deceit.
121The destination for such is hell; they will not find any refuge from it.
122And those who believed and did good deeds – We shall soon admit them into Gardens beneath which rivers flow, abiding in them for ever and ever; a true promise from Allah; and whose Words are more true than those of Allah? (Allah does not lie.)
123The affair does not rest on your thoughts, nor the cravings of the People given the Book(s); whoever does wrong will get the recompense of it – and will not find, other than Allah, any friend or any supporter.
124And whoever does some good deeds, be it a man or woman, and is a Muslim, will be admitted to Paradise and they will not be wronged even to the extent of one sesame.
125And whose religion is better than one who submits his self to Allah and is virtuous and follows the religion of Ibrahim, who was far removed from all falsehood? And Allah made Ibrahim His close friend.
126And to Allah only belongs all whatever is in the heavens and all whatever is in the earth; and Allah has control over all things.
127And they ask you the decree concerning women; say, “Allah gives you a decree concerning them – and what is recited to you from the Qur’an concerning orphan girls, that you are not giving them which is ordained for them, and you are avoiding marrying them – and concerning the weak children, and that you must firmly establish justice in dealing with the orphans’ rights; and whatever good deeds you do, then Allah is Well Aware of it.”
128And if a woman fears ill treatment from her husband or disinterest, so it is no sin for them if they reach an agreement of peace between themselves; and peace is better; and the heart is trapped in greed; and if you do good and practice piety, then Allah is Well Aware of it.
129And you will never be able to deal equally between women however much you may desire – therefore do not be totally inclined towards one leaving the other in uncertainty; and if you do good and practice piety, then (know that) Allah is Oft Forgiving, Most Merciful.
130And if the two separate, Allah will make each one independent of the other, with His Capability; and Allah is Most Capable, Wise.
131And to Allah only belongs all whatever is in the heavens and all whatever is in the earth; and indeed We have commanded those who received the Books before you, and commanded you, that keep fearing Allah; and if you disbelieve, undoubtedly to Allah only belongs all whatever is in the heavens and all whatever is in the earth; and Allah is Independent, Worthy Of All Praise.
132And to Allah only belongs all whatever is in the heavens and all whatever is in the earth; and Allah is Sufficient as a Trustee (of affairs).
133O people! He can remove you and bring others, if He wills; and Allah is Able to do that.
134Whoever desires the reward of this world, then with Allah only lie both – the rewards of this world and of the Hereafter; and Allah is All Hearing, All Seeing.
135O People who Believe! Be firm in establishing justice, giving witness for Allah, even if it is harmful to yourselves or parents or relatives; whether the one you testify against is wealthy or poor, for in any case Allah has the greater right over it; then do not follow your wishes for you may stray from the truth; and if you distort testimony or turn away, then Allah is Well Aware of your deeds.
136O People who Believe! Have faith in Allah and His Noble Messenger and the Book He has sent down upon this Noble Messenger of His, and the Book He sent down before; and whoever does not accept faith in Allah and His angels and His Books and His Noble Messengers and the Last Day, has undoubtedly wandered far astray.
137Indeed those who believe, then disbelieve and then again believe, then again disbelieve, and go further in their disbelief – Allah will never forgive them, nor ever guide them to the path.
138Give glad tidings to the hypocrites, that for them is a painful punishment.
139Those who leave the Muslims to befriend the disbelievers; do they seek honour from them? Then (know that) undoubtedly all honour is for Allah.
140And indeed Allah has sent down to you in the Book that whenever you hear the signs of Allah being rejected or being made fun of, do not sit with those people, until they engage in some other conversation; or else you too are like them; undoubtedly Allah will gather the hypocrites and the disbelievers, all together, into hell.
141Those who keep watching your circumstances; so if a victory comes to you from Allah, they say, “Were we not with you?”; and if victory is for disbelievers, they say, “Did we not have control over you, and protect you from the Muslims?” Allah will judge between you all on the Day of Resurrection; and Allah will not provide the disbelievers any way over the Muslims.
142Undoubtedly the hypocrites, in their fancy, seek to deceive Allah whereas He will extinguish them while making them oblivious; and when they stand up for prayer, they do it unwillingly and for others to see, and they do not remember Allah except a little.
143Fluctuating in the middle; neither here (in faith) nor there (in disbelief); and for one whom Allah sends astray, you will not find a way.
144O People who Believe! Do not befriend disbelievers in place of Muslims; do you wish to give Allah a clear proof against you?
145Undoubtedly the hypocrites are in the deepest segment of hell; and you will never find any supporter for them.
146Except those who repented and reformed themselves and held fast to Allah’s rope and made their religion sincerely only for Allah – so they are with the Muslims; and Allah will soon bestow upon the believers a great reward.
147And what will Allah gain by punishing you, if you acknowledge the truth and accept faith? And Allah is Most Appreciative, All Knowing.
148Allah does not like disclosure of evil matters except by the oppressed; and Allah is All Hearing, All Knowing.
149If you do any good openly or in secret, or pardon someone’s evil – then indeed Allah is Oft Forgiving, Able.
150Those who disbelieve in Allah and His Noble Messengers, and seek to cause division between Allah and His Noble Messengers, and say, “We believe in some and disbelieve in others,” and wish to choose a way between faith and disbelief; –
151These are the real disbelievers; and for the disbelievers We have kept prepared a disgraceful punishment.
152And those who believe in Allah and all His Noble Messengers and do not make any distinction in belief between any of them – to them Allah will soon give them their reward; and Allah is Oft Forgiving, Most Merciful.
153O dear Prophet (Mohammed – peace and blessings be upon him) the People given the Book(s) ask you, to cause a Book to be sent down on them from heaven – so they had asked something even greater from Moosa, for they said, “Show Allah to us, clearly” – so the thunder seized them on account of their sins; then they chose the calf (for worship) after clear signs had come to them, then We forgave this; and We bestowed Moosa with a clear dominance.
154We then raised the mount (Sinai) above them to take a covenant from them and decreed them that, “Enter the gate while prostrating” and decreed them that, “Do not cross the limits of the Sabbath,” and We took from them a firm covenant.
155So Allah cursed them because of their constantly breaking their covenant – and they disbelieved in the signs of Allah, and they used to wrongfully martyr the Prophets, and because they said, “Our hearts are covered”; in fact Allah has set a seal upon their hearts due to their disbelief, so that they do not accept faith, except a few.
156And because they disbelieved and slandered Maryam with a tremendous accusation.
157And because they said, “We have killed the Messiah, Eisa the son of Maryam, the Messenger of Allah”; they did not slay him nor did they crucify him, but a look-alike was created for them; and those who disagree concerning it are in doubt about it; they know nothing of it, except the following of assumptions; and without doubt, they did not kill him.
158In fact Allah raised him towards Himself; and Allah is Almighty, Wise.
159There is not one of the People given the Book(s), who will not believe in him (Eisa) before his death; and on the Day of Resurrection he will be a witness against them.
160So due to the great injustices committed by the Jews, We forbade them some of the good things which were earlier lawful for them, and because they prevented many people from Allah’s way.
161And because they used to take usury whereas they were forbidden from it, and they used to wrongfully devour people’s wealth; and for the disbelievers among them, We have kept prepared a painful punishment.
162But those among them who are firm in knowledge and who have faith, believe in what is sent down upon you (O dear Prophet Mohammed – peace and blessings be upon him), and what was sent down before you, and those who keep the prayer established and those who pay the charity, and those who believe in Allah and the Last Day; to such, We shall soon bestow a great reward.
163Indeed We sent a divine revelation to you (Prophet Mohammed – peace and blessing be upon him) as We did send divine revelations to Nooh (Noah) and the Prophets after him; and We sent divine revelations to Ibrahim (Abraham) and Ismael (Ishmael) and Ishaq (Isaac) and Yaqub (Jacob) and their offspring, and Eisa (Jesus) and Ayyub (Job) and Yunus (Jonah) and Haroon (Aaron) and Sulaiman (Solomon), and We bestowed the Zaboor (the Holy Book) upon Dawud (David).
164And to the Noble Messengers whom We have mentioned to you before, and to the Noble Messengers We have not mentioned to you; and Allah really did speak to Moosa.
165Noble Messengers giving glad tidings and declaring warnings, in order that people may not have any argument against Allah, after the (advent of) Noble Messengers; and Allah is Almighty, Wise.
166But Allah is the Witness of what He has sent down upon you – He has sent it down by His knowledge; and the angels are witnesses; and sufficient is Allah’s testimony.
167Indeed those who disbelieved and prevented (others) from the way of Allah, have undoubtedly wandered far astray.
168Indeed those who disbelieved and crossed the limits – Allah will never forgive them, nor guide them to a way.
169Except the path of hell, in which they will remain for ever and ever; and that is easy for Allah.
170O mankind! This Noble Messenger (Prophet Mohammed – peace and blessings be upon him) has come to you with the truth from your Lord, so accept faith for your own good; and if you disbelieve, then undoubtedly to Allah only belongs all whatever is in the heavens and in the earth; and Allah is All Knowing, Wise.
171O People given the Book(s)! Do not exaggerate in your religion nor say anything concerning Allah, but the truth; the Messiah, Eisa the son of Maryam, is purely a Noble Messenger of Allah, and His Word; which He sent towards Maryam, and a Spirit from Him; so believe in Allah and His Noble Messengers; and do not say “Three”; desist, for your own good; undoubtedly Allah is the only One God; Purity is to Him from begetting a child; to Him only belongs all whatever is in the heavens and all whatever is in the earth; and Allah is a Sufficient Trustee (of affairs).
172The Messiah does not at all hate being a bondman of Allah, and nor do the close angels; and whoever hates worshipping Him and is conceited – so very soon He will gather them all towards Him.
173Then to those who believed and did good deeds, He will pay their wages in full and by His munificence, give them more; and to those who hated (worshipping Him) and were proud, He will inflict a painful punishment; and they will not find for themselves, other than Allah, any supporter nor any aide.
174O mankind! Indeed the clear proof from your Lord has come to you, and We have sent down to you a bright light. (The Holy Prophet is a Clear Proof from Allah.)
175So those who believed in Allah and held fast to His rope – He will admit them into His mercy and munificence, and will guide them on the Straight Path towards Himself.
176O dear Prophet (Mohammed – peace and blessings be upon him), they ask you for a decree; say, “Allah decrees you concerning the solitary person (without parents or children); if a man dies childless and has a sister, for her is half the inheritance; and the man is his sister’s heir if the sister dies childless; and if there are two sisters, for them is two-thirds of the inheritance; so if there are brothers and sisters, both men and women, the male’s share is equal to that of two females; and Allah explains clearly to you, so that you do not go astray; and Allah knows all things.”