85. Al-Burooj - The Big Stars

1By oath of the heaven which contains the constellations.
2And by oath of the Promised Day.
3And by oath of the day that is a witness and by oath of a day in which the people present themselves.
4Accursed be the People of the Ditch!
5The people of the fuelled blazing fire.
6When they were sitting at its edge.
7And they themselves are witnesses to what they were doing to the Muslims!
8And what did they dislike from the Muslims, except that the Muslims accepted faith in Allah the Most Honourable, the Most Praiseworthy?
9To Him only belongs the kingship of the heavens and the earth; and Allah is a Witness over all things.
10Indeed those who troubled the Muslim men and Muslim women, and then did not repent – for them is the punishment of hell, and for them is the punishment of fire.
11Indeed those who believed and did good deeds – for them are Gardens beneath which rivers flow; this is the great success.
12Indeed the seizure of your Lord is very severe.
13Indeed it is He Who initiates and redoes.
14And He only is the Oft Forgiving, the Beloved of His bondmen.
15Master of the Honourable Throne.
16Always doing whatever He wills.
17Did the story of the armies reach you?
18(The armies of) Firaun and the tribe of Thamud.
19In fact the disbelievers are in denial.
20And Allah is after them, has them surrounded.
21In fact it (what they deny) is the Noble Qur’an.
22In the Preserved Tablet.