79. An-Naziat - Those Who Pull Out

1By oath of those who harshly pull out the soul. (Of the disbeliever)
2And who softly release the soul. (Of the believer)
3And who glide with ease.
4And who quickly present themselves.
5And who plan the implementation.
6On the day when the trembling one will tremble. (The disbelievers will certainly taste the punishment.)
7And the following event will come after it.
8Many a heart will flutter on that day!
9Unable to lift their gaze.
10The disbelievers say, “Will we really return to our former state?”
11“When we have become decayed bones?”
12They said, “So this return is an obvious loss!”
13So that is not but a single shout.
14So they will immediately be in an open plain.
15Did the news of Moosa reach you?
16When his Lord called him in the holy valley of Tuwa.
17That “Go to Firaun – he has rebelled.”
18“Tell him ‘Do you have the inclination to become pure?’
19‘And I may guide you to your Lord, so that you may fear.’”
20So Moosa showed him a magnificent sign.
21In response, he denied and disobeyed.
22He then turned away, striving in his effort.
23So he gathered the people, and proclaimed.
24And then said, “I am your most supreme lord.”
25Allah therefore seized him, in the punishment of this world and the Hereafter.
26Indeed in this is a lesson for one who fears.
27Do you think that it is harder to create you or the heavens? Allah has created it.
28He raised its roof and made it proper.
29And He made its night dark, and started its light.
30And after it spread out the earth.
31And from it produced its water and its pasture.
32And solidified the mountains.
33In order to benefit you and your cattle.
34So when the greatest universal disaster arrives,
35On that day man will recall all what he strove for.
36And hell will be made visible to all those who can see.
37So for one who rebelled,
38And preferred the worldly life,
39Then indeed hell only is his destination.
40And for one who feared to stand before his Lord and restrained his soul from desire,
41Then indeed Paradise only is his destination.
42They (the disbelievers) ask you regarding the Last Day, as to when is its appointed time.
43What concern do you have regarding its explanation? (You are not bound to tell them)
44Towards your Lord only is its conclusion.
45You are but a Herald of Warning, for one who fears it.
46The day when they will see it, it will seem as if they had not stayed on earth except for an evening or its morning.