53. An-Najm - The Star

1I CALL TO witness the star of the pleiades when it has dipped
2That your companion is not confused, nor has he gone astray,
3Neither does he speak of his own will.
4This is only revelation communicated,
5Bestowed on him by the Supreme Intellect,
6Lord of power and wisdom. So he acquired poise and balance,
7And reached the highest pinnacle.
8Then he drew near and drew closer
9Until a space of two bow (arcs) or even less remained,
10When He revealed to His votary what He revealed.
11His heart did not falsify what he perceived.
12Will you dispute with him what he saw?
13He saw Him indeed another time
14By the Lote-tree beyond which none can pass,
15Close to which is the Garden of Tranquility,
16When the Lote-tree was covered over with what it was covered over;
17Neither did sight falter nor exceed the bounds.
18Indeed he saw some of the greatest signs of His Lord.
19Have you considered Lat and 'Uzza,
20And Manat, the other third (of the pagan deities)?
21Are there sons for you, and daughters for Him?
22This is certainly an unjust apportioning.
23These are only names which you and your fathers have invented. No authority was sent down by God for them. They only follow conjecture and wish-fulfilment, even though guidance had come to them already from their Lord.
24Can ever man get what he desires?
25To God belong the End and the Beginning.
26Many as the angels be in heaven their intercession will not avail in the least without God's permission for whomsoever He please and approve.
27Those who do not believe in the Hereafter give the angels names of females.
28Yet they have no knowledge of this, and follow nothing but conjecture, but conjecture cannot replace the truth.
29So you turn away from him who turns away from Our rememberance and wants nothing but the life of this world:
30This is the farthest limit of their knowledge. Surely your Lord alone knows best who has strayed away from the path and who has come to guidance.
31To God belongs whatever is in the heavens and the earth, that He may requite those who do evil, in accordance with their deeds, and those who do good with good.
32As for those who avoid the greater sins and shameful acts, except minor trespasses, your Lord's forgiveness surely has great amplitude. He is fully knowledgeable of you as He produced you from the earth, and since you were a foetus in your mother's womb. So do not assert your goodness; he is better who takes heed and preserves himself.
33Have you seen him who turns his back,
34Who gives but little, and is niggardly?
35Has he knowledge of the Unknown that he perceives everything?
36Has he not heard what is contained in the Book of Moses,
37And of Abraham who fulfilled his trust? --
38That no one who carries a burden bears another's load;
39That a man receives but only that for which he strives;
40That his endeavours will be judged,
41And only then will he receive his recompense in full;
42And that to your Lord is your returning;
43That it is He who makes you happy and morose,
44And He who ordains death and life;
45That He created pairs, male and female,
46From a drop of semen when emitted;
47That the second creation is incumbent on Him;
48That it is He who makes you rich and contented;
49That He is the Lord of Sirius;
50That it was He who destroyed the 'Ad of old,
51And Thamud, and did not leave them,
52Like the people of Noah before them, who were surely oppressors and rebellious;
53And He overthrew the Cities of the Plain,
54So that they were covered over by what they were covered over.
55How many favours of your Lord will you then deny?
56He who warns you is one of the warners of old.
57What is to come is imminent.
58There is no one to unveil it apart from God.
59Are you astonished at this news,
60And keep laughing and do not weep,
61Indulging in pleasantries?
62Bow instead in adoration before God and worship Him.